Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Who Freaking Cares..

Who freaking cares where the governor was or what he was doing... he's a freaking governor... it's not like the world will fall apart if a governor disappears for a few days..

So he was boinking someone from Argentina... isn't that between him and his wife? I mean seriously, why do I care who he's boinking? It's not like every other politician out there isn't boinking someone besides their wife.. this guy (and a few others) just got caught and the others didn't.

I hate the mainstream media.. vultures... report on something that means something to the world at large.. stop making a big deal out of personal lives. They are all crooked -- what does it matter if this one or that one is screwing around... they are all out for their own best interests...

Why don't they focus on real issues in this world and use their venue for good.. there are tons of people who are homeless, jobless, poor.. focus on these individuals and force the government to consider them when they are making decisions.. instead of their political positioning now that this governor can't be the next republican presidential candidate...

The media has such opportunity to change the world.. but they don't report the real world.. they report the rich world.. it pisses me off... 10% of the world controls 80% of the wealth.. why are they focusing on that 10%.. focus on the other 80% and making the world better for the most amount of people.. not the people who already have more than they need...

We have some important decisions being made for us.. the news should be focusing on that.. the governmental health care option.. let's report the facts on this.. let's help the country learn that in a market economy more competition equals a better deal.. the more providers in the market forces everyone to have reasonable prices or they are gone... think about this.. if the government offered a cheap health care option -- then the other health care providers would be forced to reduce their premiums in order to compete with the cheaper version offered by the government. Then you'd have more choices in what you could afford... and could choose the best one for you -- instead of being forced into the one your work offers at the non-negotiable prices which are already out of control.

Statically, countries that have a government sponsored health care system report at being happier in their lives than Americans.

Think about this: Small businesses are the majority of employers in this country. They are begin run out of business because of health care prices. If the government offered an option, their employees could choose that and then that employer could afford to hire more people because the cost of each employee to that owner has been reduced. This means MORE JOBS -- the same for large employers... (P.S. that wasn't my idea -- I stole it from Howard Dean)

Of course, as a whole, Americans are lazy and uninformed and do deserve what they get, however it sucks that I know what I want and can't get it because Bobby Joe next door can't be bothered to turn off Rock of Love long enough to educate himself about what is going on in the world and is just listing to what the idiots on Fox News are telling him.. IF he even watches any kind of news at all...

*Stepping off soap box -- still a little hot under the collar*

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