Monday, September 28, 2009

Why is the world full of Douche Bags?

What's all this Roman Polanski business....

The man is convicted of raping a 13 year old girl, flees his sentence, and is finally being extradited back to the US after 30 years?

What the heck?! Why would they wait that long?

Why would they honor him at the academy awards? Why would anyone celebrate a rapist?

I don't care if he does make brilliant movies...

That's like saying Jeffrey Dahmer was a brilliant chef....

Or Charlie Manson was a great motivator...

The man photographed a 13 year old naked and then raped her. AND PEOPLE ARE DEFENDING HIM.. saying that at 74 he's not a threat to society... that it serves no purpose to extradite him...

even the girl (now woman) doesn't want it brought up again...

While I understand her pain.. the man fled his sentence after being convicted of RAPE...

Oh I get it.. if you have money you can do anything and you're above the law? You can rape small children and not face any consequences for that because you moved out of the country? It's just one more way that our society supports rapists and not victims...

Why is the world full of douche bags?

Why now?

Why the HELL not 30 years ago?? It's not like the man has been hiding.. he's still making movies.. hell he's freaking thumbing his nose at our justice system... we've known where he is...

Shoot he should have to turn all of the proceeds from every movie he has made since fleeing the country to that woman and her family.. he should have served time for his CRIME.. not make movies and millions of dollars...

The worst part is that the world seems to support him and think that he shouldn't be extradited... it's absolutely outrageous... going so far as to blame the girl saying she wanted it.. SHE WAS FREAKING 13.. I don't care if she stripped down and crawled on top of him... SHE WAS FREAKING 13

Even in 1974, 13 is still a CHILD...

I hate this world sometimes... why is the world full of idiots??

Rape isn't just a crime against the woman... it's a crime against ALL WOMEN...


Friday, September 25, 2009

Very Flattered

So,my boss keeps pushing me to do two things:
  1. Get a Ph.D
  2. Publish an article for one of our industry magazines
I currently have no desire for 1. and could do 2. but that's a lot of extra work on top of working for two and teaching a class. But I told him we could co-author next month, the topic? Managing Up: How to Manage Your Boss. If we end up doing it and getting it published I'll post the link.

We are also in the interview process to hire the other assistant director in our office. I'm not the HR person in our office, but I'm learning a lot about what happens. Today I was completely flattered. We were talking about what we needed to do next and I brought up what they did with me last year and he said (and I'm not kidding), "Killer, your process was different because as soon as you applied I knew who I wanted. The rest was just a formality."

So that's always nice to hear, right?

So, watch for article links -- but don't hold your breath. :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

In case you aren't on Facebook...

... You NEED to check this website out..

...will be the FUNNIEST hour of you life

...well, unless you see yourself -- then you might want to check out or

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

UPDATE: She recanted it...

So apparently our chief of police passed on my idea because on the news this morning they were talking about a new type of sanction for the ISU girl who falsified a rape report. They are working with victims assistance to have her volunteer with them. The news said that this type of sentence has never been used before and they are trying something different... DAMN SKIPPY!! Someone actually LISTENED to me!! :)

The article is below:

"A deputy prosecutor told us they want Conley to work with actual crime victims in hopes this teaches her a valuable lesson"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It was a good year....

I believe I've mentioned that I moved to Redneckville USA last year when I changed jobs? If I believe I've mentioned the fashion trends that are common here? So clearly Terre Haute is not known for it's sophistication, so when you hear things that, in other places, seem natural, you're a little taken aback..

Today my Director and I went to Walmart to pick up some gift cards for our staff and were waiting while the lady at the service desk swiped and rang up all of our cards (there were 100 so it took a while). While we were standing there, Rex, my boss, busted out laughing incredibly loudly. He pulls me over and said that the guy at the cashier close to us just made a comment about a bottle of wine and say "I think I'll try this, it was a good year." referring, we are assuming, to the vintage of the wine. Now if you aren't a wine drinker you may not really get that.. but the kinds of wine that one would typically care about the vintage are not the kinds of wine sold at WALMART... so the guy was clearly trying to impress someone. So we scoped out the situation... ummm yea the cashier only had about two teeth and a mullet so we aren't sure that she was duly impressed with his comment on the wine's vintage...

We both found it exceedingly funny...

but then we are both somewhat snobs when it comes to wine... well and to Terre Haute townies...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

She recanted it..

So I was rather furious this week...

on Tuesday we had a student report that she was raped. She said she had met a guy and hung out with him for a while then invited him back to her room where he raped her. She gave a detailed account to police (and since i read all campus police reports I got to read this one as well) and I was so angry on her behalf and ready to tear this dude limb from limb -- had he not been a non-student who we were unable to locate. Her story was so horrible and reading it I imagined the terror she must have felt and the helplessness of being unable to call out... I teared up a bit for this girl..

Now, most people have no idea what rape really is. I know that people understand it technically and say things like "well he forced himself on her" to explain what it is, but that doesn't even begin to cover what rape is. That statement actually demeans what she goes through by softening the language. The image that pops into your head when someone says that is a million times nicer than the reality of the situation. If you've never experienced it or worked with victims directly after the real experience then you cannot even fathom what someone goes through and how ugly the scene really is-- they do not only violate her body, but they murder a part of her soul. Rape murders the part of her soul that believes in happy endings and human goodness. She'll never get that back. In my book, rape is worse than murder. It's the only crime where the victim's character is called into question, you never hear a victim of robbery questioned about what s/he was wearing and whether or not they were flaunting their money around... the rape victim has to live with that the rest of her life as does her family and anyone else she ever comes in to contact with. At least with murder the victim no longer has to deal with it.

As if that isn't bad enough, she then gets raped again by anyone else she shares her experience with in our society by asking her stupid questions like "well why did you put yourself in that situation?" or "why didn't you yell for help?" or "Why did you dress like that?" as if by doing or not doing those things makes it HER fault that some bastard violated her. Why do we insist on removing the blame from the man? As if the man shouldn't be responsible for controlling his baser instincts? If a man forces a woman it is a CHOICE he makes not an accident. You don't "accidentally" rape someone. If a woman so much as HINTS at not being comfortable with sex or what you are doing, you should back the hell off.. not try to convince her or ignore her when she says things like "I don't know" and certainly if she stays stop or get the F**K off me, I don't care how worked up you are or how freaking far you've already gone.. if she says stop, STOP. No questions, no comments, just stop. It's HER body. It's HER right to decide what happens to it. It doesn't make her a tease. It doesn't make her a bitch. It doesn't make her anything but a woman who deserves the right to choose what happens to her body.

I was reading a program the other day that said "Safer sex" doesn't exist for a woman. If a man wants to have "safer sex" he puts on a condom and it's done, but other than complete abstinence, a woman NEEDS the cooperation of her partner to have safer sex because even the female condom is designed for use with a partner's help. As if being a woman doesn't suck enough, now we are of age sexually and we have to try to persuade a man, a sexually worked up man, to go along with safe sex and/or convince him to stop? thinking about it pisses me off because it's like society tell men they can behave any way they want sexually and it's OK. It's not OK, EVER. This isn't the middle ages where men just take what they want -- it really sucks that we haven't moved that far from those times when it comes to sex. Side note: Did you know that in medieval times when there were walls around villages, if a woman was raped outside the walls the men of her family were allowed to rape the women in the rapist's family in retaliation. If she was raped within the walls she was stoned to death because in theory she should have yelled out for help... have we changes that much? we no longer have visible walls around villages, but don't we still "Stone" women who are raped -- with words now instead of actual stones -- because we say she should have fought harder, dressed more conservatively, or said no louder.... ARRRGGGHH Sometimes I freaking hate this world...

Anyway, stepping off my soapbox -- I get a little worked up when it comes to rape.. I just think this is an illness in our society a disease and it pisses me off..

Back to our student who was raped.. on Friday we get a call from our Chief of police saying that this student recanted her story and was not raped at all. When in fact, she just said she was raped to keep from being caught for cheating on her boyfriend.

Now, if rape pisses me off... false reports of rape pisses me off even further because it damages women EVERYWHERE. For every false report of rape, a rapist gets off Scott free because the people who dealt with the false report are now more skeptical of rape victims. ARRRGGGG!! Which forces our judicial system to endure rape trials where defense attorneys rip apart a real victims character in order to make the jury think it was "another false report" and forget about date rape, you almost can't convict a date rapist these days.. all because of stupid little girls like this one.. DAMN IT

I recommended some restorative justice for this little girl and requested that our judicial office require her to do volunteer work with victims of sexual violence. Let her see the true story of rape and what it does to a woman and learn first hand how truly despicable her false claim is and how damaging it is to women everywhere.

Cross your fingers that they follow my suggestion... if not, I'm a member of the Coalition against Sexual Violence and we may be doing some outreach education... some one on one tutoring, if you will.. :)

Just a cute picture of Sassy

Isn't she the most adorable puppy ever!!

But boy does she take after her mom in the PMS department.. SHEW WEE She's a brat!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

She's a big girl now...


Sassy went in to heat this week.

All I can say is Ewwwwwwwwwww..............

So she's wearing diapers and it's the cutest thing, but she HATES it...

So she's getting fixed ASAFP (As soon as freaking possible).

Man-Dates and Mimosas

So, how many times have YOUR guy friends requested a night of movies and mimosas? Yes, mimosas are a champaign and orange juice cocktail...

Had friends over last night to watch "I love you, Man" and have mimosas and it was two dudes idea.. I LOVE it.. makes me laugh..

I love my friends!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Politics is Hollywood for the Ugly"

Thank you Jay Leno, you summed it up nicely.

WTF was what's his nose thinking?! Joe Wilson is an idiot and represents EVERYTHING that is wrong with this country and our youth. How the HELL does a US REPRESENTATIVE heckle the President of the United States? Is he 12? What kind of message does that send? That if you don't agree with someone it's ok to call them names and heckle them in public? On a playground that's called a bully.

Freaking IDIOT!

It chaps my ass that people in public positions fail to recognize their role model status and act accordingly. As a public figure you have the RESPONSIBILITY to act civil AT ALL TIMES. And as an elected official you do not represent your OWN opinions, you represent the opinions of your district. I'm fairly certain that your entire district is now ashamed of your personal outburst Mr. Wilson.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I just don't understand....

.... how people do not see the benefit of a public insurance option... We can spend over 4 TRILLION on a useless war over OIL and don't let it bother us at all, but the thought of the government providing something that SHOULD be a fundamental right to every American, such as health care, we piss and moan over how much it may cost... how sad!

Put that way, it kind of makes us look like greedy bastards doesn't it?

Btw: Do you know anyone who doesn't have health coverage? If you lost your job tomorrow, would you have health coverage or would it get yanked away with your JOB? What happens when your doctor diagnoses you with a painful stomach cancer tomorrow? You don't have health care because you cannot afford it... so because you don't make enough money you don't deserve the same care as someone else who's job was not recently made redundant?

Take a moment and think about that... or maybe it's not you, but your son or daughter.. take a moment and think about THAT....

Are you still opposed to a CHEAPER government option??

It's simple economics... if the government provides a product and can control it's cost to the consumer and keeps that cost low everyone else in the market will HAVE to lower their prices as well to remain competitive in the market. See heath care, in this country, is viewed as a necessity good. There are a few insurance provdiers and we HAVE to have to have it in order to remain healthy so they can jack the prices up as high as they want because they control the market -- we, as the consumer, have little say in the matter. They jack up the prices and we will pay because we have no choice. If the government offers a choice they lose their ability to jack up prices because they will then be forced to compete for consumer $$ with the GOVERNMENT.

All the anti-public option advertisements on TV -- I would almost guarantee those ads are paid for by BIG insurance companies who dont' want to compete becaues they are getting fat off of us...

Take part in YOUR world folks.. Stop believing everything you're told by politians and DO YOUR OWN FREAKING RESEARCH...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Well, actually, Officer, sir, we aren't 17... nope, we're 30ish

So I had a fantastic weekend at home. Got to see tons of my sister and Bobbi, which was awesome, and got to hangout with my cousins which hasn't happened in FOREVER. And boy was it ever a good time. I woke up Sunday with a laughter hangover... headache, sides and back hurt from laughing so hard.

See, my cousins are probably two of the funniest people I've ever met in my life. They are the product of two funny parents, so it makes sense. They are the perfect pair. They are twins, Mari and Kari and are perfect compliments to each other. Mari is the type that is up for anything and Kari is the type that is always putting Mari up to stuff.. not that Mari is blameless in the ideas department, but typically they will develop an idea together and Mari will implement it. They've been like that since I used to babysit for them when they were kids. Kari was always the reserved one and Mari was the type who was always putting herself out there. I always had so much fun with them when we were growing up and miss that I don't see them hardly at all any more.

Anyway, so Mari had a party at her house (or Kari had a party at Mari's house -- not sure how that happened) and my sister, Bobbi and I joined them. I'm not going to go into all the details, but to make a long story short, Mari lives across from a city park which closes at dark. The evening involved secret passwords, lesbians, playing on the swings around midnight, a cursed skirt wearer, the police, a frisbee, some hilarious stories that embarrassed me the next day when I had to sit across from our grandmother at lunch, some glamour shots of Mari and her dog, some fond memories from childhood, fart noises, and large quantaties of alcohol... you'll have to do the math. Though I doubt you'll get anywhere close to the truth..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well, I actually have no PLANS to eat paint chips....

So, I got a call from my landlady yesterday saying she had something she just found out she needed me to sign. She said it was a release on lead based products that might have been used in construction of the house back in the 1800's (who knew my place was that old -- oh yea, I did). She summarized it by saying, "well basically it's to warn you against eating paint chips." to which I replied,

"Well, Carol, considering I'm a reasonably intelligent adult, I doubt I'll get a hankering to eat paint chips any time soon.. but you never know so I'll sign the release"