Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Well, actually, Officer, sir, we aren't 17... nope, we're 30ish

So I had a fantastic weekend at home. Got to see tons of my sister and Bobbi, which was awesome, and got to hangout with my cousins which hasn't happened in FOREVER. And boy was it ever a good time. I woke up Sunday with a laughter hangover... headache, sides and back hurt from laughing so hard.

See, my cousins are probably two of the funniest people I've ever met in my life. They are the product of two funny parents, so it makes sense. They are the perfect pair. They are twins, Mari and Kari and are perfect compliments to each other. Mari is the type that is up for anything and Kari is the type that is always putting Mari up to stuff.. not that Mari is blameless in the ideas department, but typically they will develop an idea together and Mari will implement it. They've been like that since I used to babysit for them when they were kids. Kari was always the reserved one and Mari was the type who was always putting herself out there. I always had so much fun with them when we were growing up and miss that I don't see them hardly at all any more.

Anyway, so Mari had a party at her house (or Kari had a party at Mari's house -- not sure how that happened) and my sister, Bobbi and I joined them. I'm not going to go into all the details, but to make a long story short, Mari lives across from a city park which closes at dark. The evening involved secret passwords, lesbians, playing on the swings around midnight, a cursed skirt wearer, the police, a frisbee, some hilarious stories that embarrassed me the next day when I had to sit across from our grandmother at lunch, some glamour shots of Mari and her dog, some fond memories from childhood, fart noises, and large quantaties of alcohol... you'll have to do the math. Though I doubt you'll get anywhere close to the truth..


  1. I love it!! I bet there are alot of people out there that read what the night involved and all except for the cop part are thinking to themselves, "That sounds dreamy!!". Pretty much is people.

  2. I had a feeling that it was gonna be a good night...and I was NOT disappointed. Had a blast!! It was...how should I explain it...PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

