Thursday, October 14, 2010


Well, it's been an interesting week.  I'm exhausted and there is basically two days left!! :(

I did a lot of cooking this week.  Made a badass sundried tomato-bacon macaroni & cheese -- DELICIOUS.  Last night Jess and Lindsey came over and I made grandma's scallopped chicken with mashed potatoes and peas.  MAN Was it delicious!!  Sorry -- I didn't take pictures this time.  Maybe next time.

I just took the MBTI again and think this time I got an honest assessment of my personality type. 

If you want to take it, here's the link:  MBTI Personality Test

My result was ENTP here is another Description.

I think it's a fair assessment, but I'm fairly even on most of it so my type changes based on what I'm going through in my life. Since each individual section is a continuum, I'm pretty 50/50 on Extrovert/Introvert, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving.  But the way I typically live my life is ENTP. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cleaning Continues

Well, the cleaning continues... MAN!! I have a LOT of crap!! Yesterday I took out six garbage bags of crap, and I have two more half filled ones in my dining room.. A lot of it is old paperwork that I shredded, but still...

I'm donating three trash bags full of clothes, a vacuum, a 12 in TV, a rug, a fan, a bunch of knick knacky stuff.. How did I accumulate all this CRAP!! 

My bedroom and two closets are SPOTLESS, I got my desk at home cleaned out and got half the place dusted last night.. on to the other half tonight and perhaps the bathroom too.  It shouldn't take long now since I got most of the crap sorted.

I used to have a bunch of boxes hidden in and around my living room because there wasn't room in the closets.. once I get rid of all the crap I will have plenty of room and hope to move my living room around.

My sister gave me like six or seven martini glass paintings that I need to hang somewhere...

I don't want to admit it, but I love cleaning... it is something that makes me feel productive and I see immediate results... its unfortunate that i don't have the energy or motivation to keep it up as often as I should...

My life would be perfect IF I had a washer/dryer in the house -- well that and a screen door. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Number two: CHECK

Well, I got my second walk-in closet cleaned out today.  Still need to organize it and get some stuff back in, but all in all -- good productive weekend!! :)  I hope I have time this week to work on it.  I have some boxes hidden around my livin room that I want to get in and lots of laundry to do, but I think it will be good.  My goal now is to do a deep clean of my whole house.  I can hardly wait to get started. 

Next up -->  My office!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Surprising Productivity

So, I had a strangely productive day.  I had to go to the Football tailgate today.  It's political and I HATE politics.. however I need to do it more.  It was fun though.  Great food and beer is hard to top.  YUM!!

Then I decided to clean out my closet.  I have two large walk in closets in my bedroom and it was time to do some cleaning.  I have two trash bags of clothes to donate and more space.  I also got my laundry all sorted.. i sure would love to have on-site laundry.

I'm going to be sore tomorrow though because I was up and down on a chair to get to the upper shelves in the closet.

Up to late.  Nite nite.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Other Guys...

Yesterday was almost perfect. 

I don't say that much, but yesterday was almost perfect!  I had one of those average days at work, but after work -- well that's when it got almost perfect.. well perfect in my current life situation...

We went out for BBQ for dinner -- Lindsey, Jess, Andy, and Ben.  Then Jess went to her play practice and Lindsey went back to work.  Andy and Ben came over for beer and then we met Adam (TH Adam) at the movies and saw "The Other Guys"  HOLYFUNNYMOVIE BATMAN!!  I laughed so hard I cried probably five times... three of those five I'm pretty sure I almost wet myself.  It was so freaking funny.

Now, for those of you who aren't Will Ferrell  fans, I know you don't believe me in how funny it was.  But also note that Mark Wahlberg was in it.. The two of them together was amazing... and I think it was more Mark who was funny and Will Ferrell's reaction to Mark's character that was so funny.  I also think it was the group I went with.. you should always ALWAYS go see funny movies with people you think are funny.  It makes it a million times better. 

We went out for a beer afterwards and laughed  more.  It was ALMOST to the level of a laughter hangover this morning, but not quite. 

I love my life.