Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It was a good year....

I believe I've mentioned that I moved to Redneckville USA last year when I changed jobs? If I believe I've mentioned the fashion trends that are common here? So clearly Terre Haute is not known for it's sophistication, so when you hear things that, in other places, seem natural, you're a little taken aback..

Today my Director and I went to Walmart to pick up some gift cards for our staff and were waiting while the lady at the service desk swiped and rang up all of our cards (there were 100 so it took a while). While we were standing there, Rex, my boss, busted out laughing incredibly loudly. He pulls me over and said that the guy at the cashier close to us just made a comment about a bottle of wine and say "I think I'll try this, it was a good year." referring, we are assuming, to the vintage of the wine. Now if you aren't a wine drinker you may not really get that.. but the kinds of wine that one would typically care about the vintage are not the kinds of wine sold at WALMART... so the guy was clearly trying to impress someone. So we scoped out the situation... ummm yea the cashier only had about two teeth and a mullet so we aren't sure that she was duly impressed with his comment on the wine's vintage...

We both found it exceedingly funny...

but then we are both somewhat snobs when it comes to wine... well and to Terre Haute townies...

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