Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I just don't understand....

.... how people do not see the benefit of a public insurance option... We can spend over 4 TRILLION on a useless war over OIL and don't let it bother us at all, but the thought of the government providing something that SHOULD be a fundamental right to every American, such as health care, we piss and moan over how much it may cost... how sad!

Put that way, it kind of makes us look like greedy bastards doesn't it?

Btw: Do you know anyone who doesn't have health coverage? If you lost your job tomorrow, would you have health coverage or would it get yanked away with your JOB? What happens when your doctor diagnoses you with a painful stomach cancer tomorrow? You don't have health care because you cannot afford it... so because you don't make enough money you don't deserve the same care as someone else who's job was not recently made redundant?

Take a moment and think about that... or maybe it's not you, but your son or daughter.. take a moment and think about THAT....

Are you still opposed to a CHEAPER government option??

It's simple economics... if the government provides a product and can control it's cost to the consumer and keeps that cost low everyone else in the market will HAVE to lower their prices as well to remain competitive in the market. See heath care, in this country, is viewed as a necessity good. There are a few insurance provdiers and we HAVE to have to have it in order to remain healthy so they can jack the prices up as high as they want because they control the market -- we, as the consumer, have little say in the matter. They jack up the prices and we will pay because we have no choice. If the government offers a choice they lose their ability to jack up prices because they will then be forced to compete for consumer $$ with the GOVERNMENT.

All the anti-public option advertisements on TV -- I would almost guarantee those ads are paid for by BIG insurance companies who dont' want to compete becaues they are getting fat off of us...

Take part in YOUR world folks.. Stop believing everything you're told by politians and DO YOUR OWN FREAKING RESEARCH...

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