Wednesday, June 10, 2009

School Girl Crush


Do you remember the days of school girl crushes? How fun it was to whisper about that certain person you liked? To guess and speculate with girlfriends about whether he was into you or not? To make eye contact and smile shyly? I am 30 years old and I'm proud to say that I still get school girl crushes. I typically refer to them as "Non-sexual crushes," but yep, I still get them.

I have a new one.

I call him "Hot Handyman David"

He's the maintenance man type person for my apartment, well one of them.

and he is FREAKING HOT. Of course, it takes a lot more than looks to turn my head. In fact, most of the time the hot guys are the ones I avoid and automatically dislike... I typically get crushes on the "cute" guys or sometimes the ugly ones too... because it's not really about what a guy looks like -- he has to have something else going for him. This guy does.. he is sooo nice. Shara, my land lady's daughter, is a friend of mine and she gave me the scoop on Hot Handyman David. Apparently, he's a crazy magnet and is going through a custody battle over his little girl with his ex... Shara said the ex is a nut job, but that David is a sweetie. He also works part time as a home caregiver to a special needs kid... which is uber cool and makes up for the crazy magnet thing...

Hey, it's not like I'm going to date him, though. I just like to look at him. :) He's out of my league, so I just get to stare at him while he does manly things around my apartment like lifting heavy stuff, fixing things, getting all sweaty... sigh... Oh sorry.. I got distracted..

So, funny story about Hot Handyman David.

Carol, my land lady, is out of town for the next two weeks. Now, in case I haven't mentioned this Carol is the mother of my good friend Craig's wife, Shara (who I am also now good friends with, but I've known Craig for years and years). So when she stopped by before she left she told me to call Craig and Shara if I had any problems. Well, yesterday the fan in my bathroom quit working. Not a huge issue, but in my apartment it kind of is because my bathroom is under a stairwell with no windows and is a TINY space anyway.. with no fan it's ridiculously hot and will grow mold quickly. Anyway, so I call Craig and let him know. This morning he calls me in my office (he also works at ISU) to tell me that David was going to be over to fix it today. Cool.

I go home for lunch everyday to let Sassy out, so today was no different. Well, except that I was excited when I saw Hot Handyman David's blue truck parked out front (his truck is the same color as my car). So I let Sassy out and when we get back in the house, of course she makes a beeline for David. She loves men in general, but she really likes David. Mainly because he rolls around in the grass with her, well and he's a dude (She's kind of boy crazy). So he gets down off the ladder to play with her a bit. He's so cute and he's telling me what he is doing and yadda yadda yadda hessohot... So I notice that he's in a sweatshirt and track pants.. now I wasn't implying that I wanted him naked or anything, but I did make a comment about why was he wearing a sweatshirt and pants in this humid weather. His response was that if he was going to have to be up in the ceiling he needed the protection.. then he said, "but I guess I could go ahead and take this shirt off.. " Ahh.. NICE.. he had a tank top on underneath.. and I swear I got distracted by his shoulder and arm muscles... Umm, yea.. I'm not really subtle at all when I'm interested in someone.. LOL I'm about as subtle as a freight train... So, for lunch, I parked my ass in the chair in my dining room and watched Hot Handyman David fix the fan in my bathroom. At one point he was digging in his toolbox and Sassy crawled on her belly over to him and climbed up in his lap and was licking his neck... not going to lie.. I was jealous of my dog for a moment..

So as I'm chatting with HH David (as my sister was referring to him) Craig texts me and says "Your fan is fixed. I tried to get David to stay until you got there for lunch, but he had to go to work. he was going to take a shower to make sure it worked.." Yeah, Craig knows I have a crush.. and to be honest, knowing Craig, he probably told David. So I told him that David was there and about sassy licking his neck and me being jealous. He laughed.

Craig and Shara are having a cookout on Friday at Shara's folks estate (this place looks like a freaking country club -- her dad is the Athletic Director at ISU) and Craig said he'd invite David for me.. LOL Craig is also the one who found me this apartment... what a guy.. always lookin out for me, eh?

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