Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ahh Friday.. Why do you hate me?

So, I think someone may actually be reading this thing, which is cool!

So I had kind of a rough week. Not really rough in any real sense, just been exhausted all week. Last night we helped Jenny and Tom load their moving truck, it was actually fun -- if moving can ever be termed fun. However, I'm getting a really nice desk and bookshelf out of the deal -- score!

Tonight I was at home reading and my friend Heather randomly called me. Now Heather and I have been friends since undergrad and she lives in Terre Haute, which is awesome, right? Well I've been back almost a year and this was the second time I've seen her since I've been back.. LOL the first time with the second week I was back. I vow to make more of an effort to spend time with her! So I tartted up and met her, her husband, and some dude she had picked out to set me up with. Now, I'm not big on set ups, but I hadn't seen heather in a year so I went. We had a good time, though I learned that the dude was 22. No offense, but I'm 30... there IS an age limit.. he was really nice, if a bit shy and akward... he has potential, if I were 8 years younger (EIGHT FREAKING YEARS) and into shy and akward.

Heather's heart was in the right place. ;)


  1. I'm telling you, start with them young and train them up the way you want!! hehehe :) Isn't it interesting the types of people our 'friends' pick out...

  2. And tell me, Therapy lady.. how has that worked out for you?? LOL Isn't your current love interest in his 40's?? because the younger men weren't cutting it?? :)
