Friday, June 12, 2009

The Ugly Shirt

So, last week my friend Jess was here and we did a little shopping. I bought a couple of shirts that I liked the cut of the shirt and the colors in the shirt.

So yesterday I was wearing one of them. When I left work to head to Moggers (our thursday happy hour place) I looked down at my shirt and was struck dumb. In all honesty, it was the ugilest shirt I've ever seen. When I picked it out I must have focused on the cut and the colors in the shirt but not on the pattern.. it was paisley with a zebra print and some polka dots.. it looked like a mu mu. Awful.

To be honest, I like the cut enough that I'll wear it again, but damn the pattern was ugly!!


  1. How can you tease us with that and not show a picture?

  2. I'll get one asap. LOL It's pretty hideous...
