Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I didn't set out to.... They just make it so damn easy...

There are a lot of things in this world that I don't understand...

How George W ever got elected -- twice
Why my puppy insists on shredding my stuff when she has a million and one toys...
How to replace the timing chain and camshafts in a car (and boy do i WISH I knew that one!)
Why people judge each other..

But I have to say that the thing I understand the absolute least is dating games.... I flat out do not understand why it is so freaking hard for men and women to talk to each other, to be honest with each other, and to flat out say what's on their mind. I don't get it. I think it's stupid. And I hate it.

Why is it that almost every time I meet a decent guy, he pursues me hardcore until I agree to go out with him and then they disappear? I just don't understand this...

I was talking to this guy.. we'd been talking for about a month... when he finally asked me out on a real date... even asked me if it was OK for him to call it a date because that stuff tends to send me running.. I said yes and then his pursuit died off..

This guy called or texted me every day for a month, then when he finally asked me out and I agreed he almost completely stopped all contact... I just don't understand.. I didn't change what I was doing... We had the date conversation... I didn't hear from him for like four days -- which was odd since for the entire month previously he texted or called me daily... so I sent him a text asking how he was, he replied readily enough but the answers were short.

Then nothing. Several more days go by and he sends me a random funny text so I respond and think all is good... then I text him later and he tells me he's busy at work -- fine. I ask him if he's still interested in hanging out -- he said yes but he was really busy right now, but swore it was true and not a blow off... then nothing for about a week and a half... I text again to say Hey -- he kind of blows me off.. nice but in an "I"m busy" kind of way.. by this time I'm fed up... don't pursue me for a month, ask me out, then blow me off completely.. I don't get it and I absolutely won't deal with it.. so I delete him from my phone... I didn't say anything to him, but decided that I'm not texting him again.. nothing. The next day he sends me a text at 2am apologizing for being a "dick" (his words not mine). I said no problem he was busy, but thanks for apologizing. His reply was "sorry i bothered you so late, sweet dreams." I asked what was up and if everything was OK, he said it was a long story but he didn't have to work the next day. I said well call me soon and we'll catch up. He replied "I will do that!"

Nothing. Not a word.. it's been a week. Now I'm no expert, but when a girl flat out tells you she likes you and would be interested in going out on a date... if you're interested, no matter how freaking busy you are, you'd find time to make some kind of contact -- even if it's a "hey I'm busy right now, but will contact you later." right?

So I just don't understand and freaking don't have the patience to try. To be perfectly honest I just don't have the patience to date.. men aren't just dumb they are absolute morons -- sorry fellas but until you're married you're a freaking moron! I just don't have the patience to put in the effort any more... in my experience it's just not worth the time and effort... the frustration and anger I get out of the experience FAR outweighs any fun or pleasure I got out of the brief interaction...

So I've decided that I'm finished.. no more dating.. I give up! Of course I give up about every six months or so.. then I get bored and lonely and think that perhaps THIS time, THIS guy will be different from the rest and won't mess with my head... at least I've learned not to get too excited about dudes any more.. Shoot.. I don't usually even tell anyone about a dude until it's made at least a month... because sure as shit the moment I do talk about a guy I'm dating -- he disappears... it's like I'm cursed... then I have to deal with questions and the sly smiles as my friends ask me about the "current" guy - only by then he's the "past moron."

I didn't set out to be a man hater... but, damn, they sure do make it easy!


  1. "sorry fellas but until you're married you're a freaking moron!"

    Please Steph, don't assume it ends there. We're still morons. I don't understand why you ladies have anything at all to do with us.

  2. Thanks, Bil, that makes me feel better... very inspiring... :)
