Thursday, October 29, 2009

Steph Digest, what?!

So I got a call last night from a staffer. Two residents had just been transported to the hospital for an Overdose.

That's some scary stuff. Well, if that's all the information you have...

So this boy and girl are feeling somewhat ill and are afraid of getting H1N1. They have some of the symptoms but the one they notice is a cough. What do they do? Two honor students?

Well it makes total sense -- they split a bottle of cough medicine. Wait, they split an ENTIRE FAMILY SIZED bottle of cough medicine. Makes sense, right?

They were so out of it that the guy got belligerent with the police because they didn't believe him when he told them he was born in 1999 and that they were at Purdue NOT Indiana State University. They are BOTH students at ISU so why he would think they were at Purdue I have no idea. they never were able to convince him that he wasn't born in 1999.

So they were taken to the hospital. The girl was actually poisoned and was in the hospital for 48 hours, the dude was released the next day. My staffer over heard the guy telling the doctor that they drank the cough medicine and then smoked a jib... (I.e. joint, pot, smoked out, etc).

When my staffer talked to him this morning to follow up he actually said, "Well I learned that taking more medicine doesn't make you well faster."


These are our honor students...

Doesn't that frighten you?

1 comment:

  1. Are you saying that more isn't necessarily better? Like double fertilizer on roses, two one-a-day vitamins, two bosses, two fifths of rot-gut? They're kids-- they'll learn.
