Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sassy is smarter than I am...

So, my puppy is smarter than me.

She has figured out exactly what will get her treats and keeps doing those things over and over again and I JUST figured out what was going on.

I'm been home with her for five days. All she keeps doing is sleeping and going outside. She hasn't been eating and I've been worried. I'm going to SAY it's because I've been sick but I realized today that she isn't necessarily pottying while we are outside. She just keeps sniffing around and then going back inside. When we get inside she instantly demands a treat so I've been giving it to her.

That's one way.

She has also been stealing stuff lately and running off with it. It's been driving me nuts. First it was my chap stick, then it was the thermometer, then a cup, then my phone, then a book.. it's been driving me CRAZY. Then I realized that each time, to get her to drop the item I've been bribing her with treats instead of chasing her since I wasn't feeling well.

She's a smart little bugger.. and I think she may have more problem solving skills than most of my graduate (and some of my Professional) staff.

I'm hip to her game now, though!! I'm using it to my advantage.. now I'm putting them in her cage -- so she automatically goes there when we come inside.. HA two can play at that game.

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