Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Marriage Contract

So I've been reading this business about California's Supreme Court upholding Proposition 8.

What I don't get is how this world seems to be completely IGNORING the "Separation of Church and State" doctrine. People are trying to define marriage based on their religious doctrine, not any kind of legal issues. For this to be a constitutional amendment, it needs to be LEGAL not RELIGIOUS... To define marriage as a union between a man and a woman is backwards... if it's to be legal shouldn't the world be "Contract" instead of "union?" Isn't that what marriage is? A CONTRACT between two individuals that states that they will spend their life together, support each other both emotionally and financially? If you take church out of it, that is EXACTLY what it is... So if California has now technically stated that marriage "contracts" can only be between a man and a woman... doesn't that set a precedent that other contracts can also be gender exclusive? If that happens, how long before we go back to the days when people were property and only certain people were allowed to hold land contracts, and business contracts...

Beside, why the hell is it your business who someone marries? That's their personal business. If I wanted to marry a man of a different race or from another country, would you consider that your business? No, then why do you consider two men or two women marrying your business? Stop being afraid of gay people -- it's not a choice it's just a matter of you are or you aren't. If you aren't they can't make you gay-- they don't have super powers -- well some claim to have gaydar, but I'm not gay and I have gaydar so that's not gay exclusive. (Gaydar is the ability to detect the level of gayness in others). Besides even if they COULD make you gay.. they wouldn't want YOU so get off your conceited high horse and realize that this world is much bigger than your tiny little corner of the world and there are much bigger issues out there besides whether Suzie and Sally or Herman and Tom get married... Hey there are homeless people in your community, children starving all over the world (maybe even in your own backyard), people are losing their jobs because of the economy.. if you spent as much time and money fighting the REAL issues and left gay people alone you might actually do some good in this world instead of wasting space with your misguided beliefs that gay people make others gay and shouldn't be afforded the same rights as non-gay people..

You're an idiot... but then you probably didn't read this far because I SUPPORT gay marriage...

Love is love.. no one has the right to tell you who you can and can't love.. NO ONE
I doubt GOD would even try that... because isn't God the essence of love.. so if love exists then it already has God's blessing, doesn't it? Think about it

*steps down off of her soap box*

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