Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have to say, I'm pretty darn lucky to be me.  I lose that sometimes, but I do, for the most part love my life. 

Things are better at work, uncomfortable at times because I'm caught in the middle of some ridiculous bullshit, but taking last week off did wonders for my frame of mind.  In my ENTIRE life I don't think I've ever taken a week just to myself without being sick or going somewhere.  In the past, if I've taken more than one day of work off I went to my folks or to Michigan, but last week I didn't have any obligations to anyone but my dog and it was BEAUTIFUL!! I think I'm going to have to do that more often.  Maybe I'll even take a vacation by myself. 

It really helped me get my head on straight, relax, and find my center.  I read three books, watched countless hours of Criminal Minds, Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Mother (All on DVD).  I got to get up when I wanted, go to bed when I wanted, walk around the neighborhood, cuddle with the pup, do some shopping.. it was FANTASTIC. 

Since I've been back I've been less sensitive to the stupidity that is going on around me, less grumpy with my boss (who didn't deserve it anyway -- well mostly didn't), less emotional, and didn't mind dealing with outraged parents.  If I had had to deal with parents last week I may have killed someone -- literally. 

So now I'm back, could careless if other people feel tension -- that's on them I'm all good. :) 

It's nice to find my perspective!!

I was asked to join a new campus initiative committee... The director of our student media asked me to sit on her "Wellness" committee.  I think this is hilarious!!  My twitter account says: "Definition of Irony: Me on a Wellness Committee... Should I take snacks?"  Because I think it is funny that anyone would ask me to be on a Wellness committee... there I was, fat girl Steph in a room with the personal trainer from the Rec Center, the Health Educator, a faculty from the Applied Health Sciences Area (Dietetics), and a professor from the Physical Education department.. Ahhahahahahahaha  Five years ago that would have made me tremendously self-conscious today it made me want to giggle from the irony...

Damn it, I may have to start thinking about wellness and trying to role model it to the rest of the fat kids on campus... Goodbye fried chicken and mashed potatoes.... I will miss you!!

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