Monday, February 28, 2011

The Glorious Jesus Christ Breaker Panel

So I was hanging out at home with Sassy on Sunday and someone knocks on my door.  Now, everyone who knows me knows that you don't just show up at my door.  I prefer at least an hour's notice before company or I get a little cranky so I know it's not one of my friends.  I corral Sassy, because she freaks out and squeals like a pig with excite whenever anyone knocks on the door.  I open the door and there are these two guys standing there.  They are kind of dressed like goth rockers -- dyed black hair, piercings, pale skin.. blah blah  I look at them  and ask if I can help them and the guy says in this booming voice with a southern accent "We're here to talk to you about the GLORIOUS Jesus Christ" kind of like a Television preacher.

Well, my initial reaction to that is "oh shit a crazy" in my head of course, and I just look at him and say "Nope" and start to close my door.. quickly.   He busts up laughing and says "Wait, I'm just joking!" 

Hesitantly, I reopen the door a bit and he says, "I rent the garage behind your house from Carol to fix bikes and practice music.  I tripped a breaker and Carol said the breaker box is in your apartment." 

I almost fell over laughing.  His friend was snickering and I chuckled and told him I'd flip the breaker for him. 

It was really funny.  It kind of made my night.

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