Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sitting on Big News...

So, I've been sitting on some big news now for about a week and finally FINALLY I can share it, but I don't want to be all cliche with it and put it on Facebook.. though I really want to shout it from the rooftop and tell everyone I've ever met...

Lame = YES

Understandable = DEFINITELY!!

So, here goes!

I got the job... I GOT THE JOB!!  Look at me I'm the new Associate Director for Residential Student Success at Indiana State University!! Woot Woot!!

Ok, I'm done now.  Thank you for listening!! :)


  1. Well, I think it was an excellent choice! sjp

  2. Wouldn't have been lame to shout it out on FB! You should be extremely proud! I am so happy for you!!!!!!

